THIS EVENING, Wed., Sept. 17, 2014, 7:30– 9:30 pm in Emerson Suites, Campus Center, international law expert Jens David Ohlin and IC assistant professor of politics Carlos Figueroa will engage in dialog about “Targeted Killings, the Constitution, and You: U.S. Drone Policy and Citizens’ Rights.”
We hope you’ll join us for this important Constitution Day conversation on an extremely complicated and controversial subject.
The U.S. government claims “targeted killings” are necessary for national defense and fighting terrorism. The president claims constitutional authority to use drones to kill U.S. citizens accused of potential or actual terrorist acts. Ithaca residents and others have been arrested and jailed for peacefully protesting the use of Syracuse-based drones, which have killed numerous innocent civilians in other countries.
Ohlin, professor of law at Cornell University, will discuss some of the many moral, legal, political, and social questions involved in an interview-style conversation with Figueroa, and then open it up to the audience. Ohlin specializes in international and criminal law and researches the laws of war, particularly the impact of new technology. Several of his books will be available for purchase and signing.
A reception with light refreshments will take place during the book signing.
IC librarians John Henderson and Cathy Michael have put together a great resource guide.
The free and open event is sponsored by the Dept. of Politics, Provost’s Office, and Park Center for Independent Media. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation are asked to contact Karen Emnett,