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Andrew Utterson, Assistant Professor of Screen Studies, recently delivered papers at three academic conferences.

At the annual Cultural Studies Association conference (University of Utah), he discussed the ARPANET (a late-1960s precursor to the internet that included the University of Utah as one of its earliest networked nodes) in the context of digital cultural history and theories of media ecology and technological determinism.

At the annual London Film and Media Conference (Institute of Education, University of London, U.K.), he presented on contemporary discourses and debates concerning the so-called “death” of cinema, framing film history in relation to theories of cultural memory.

At the annual University Film and Video Association conference (Montana State University), he discussed the recurring resonance of metaphors of birth and death in the context of film historiography and theories of media archaeology.  

Andrew Utterson (Communications) delivers papers at conferences in the U.S. and U.K. | 0 Comments |
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