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Professor Nicholas Muellner (Photography) will give a visiting artist’s lecture at Cornell’s School of Architecture, Art and Planning on Monday, September 22, at 5:15 p.m. in Milstein Auditorium.

Nicholas Muellner is "an artist who operates at the intersection of photography and writing. Through books, exhibitions, and slide lectures, his projects investigate the limits of photography as a documentary pursuit and as an interface to literary, political, and personal narratives."

For more information about the event, click here.

On Saturday, September 27, Muellner will travel to New York to discuss the relationship between writing and photography with the writer and photobook author Brad Zellar at MoMA/PS1 in Queens.  The event is part of the Contemporary Artist’s Book Conference, in conjunction with the 2014 New York Art Book Fair. For more information, visit: click here.

Nick Muellner to speak at CU School of Architecture, Art, and Planning | 0 Comments |
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