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Don't worry! IC's Office of Alumni Relations is here to help. We're pleased to invite you to join John Fracchia, associate director of the Office of Career Services, on Wednesday, September 24, for a free webinar titled "Authentic Networking: Strategies for Building Effective Professional Relationships."

We know we should network, but many of us are afraid to do it or we just don't know how to do it well. We're told to perfect our elevator pitches, but we're not told how to keep from sounding like an infomercial.

Good networking is not "transactional," it's relational and authentic. In this workshop John will talk about why that matters and discuss strategies for building authentic and effective networking relationships.

"Authentic Networking: Strategies for Building Effective Professional Relationships."
September 24, 2014
12:00 pm -12:30 pm

Just enter the AdobeConnect meeting room at noon. No registration required.

Does Your Networking Pitch Need a Little Punch? | 0 Comments |
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