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In today’s world, finding a balance between work and home life can be more difficult than ever. With being constantly connected to our phones and email 24/7, leaving work at work has become harder and harder to do.

However, finding a balance between work and home life is important to keeping stress levels down and staying satisfied with your job. Here are a few tips to finding a good work/life balance :

  • Re-think your schedule – instead of getting up every morning and going straight to work, can you wake up earlier to get a workout in or have breakfast with your family?
  • Make it happen – if you don’t intentionally schedule downtime into your schedule, it most likely won’t happen by itself. Once you schedule in time for family or yourself, respect it like you would any work meeting.
  • Take care of yourself – getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating right are all essential to feeling balanced and happy.

For more information on work/life balance, check out these links:

Also, join us for an eni presentation on balancing work and life: 

Thursday, December 4th starting at 12:00pm
Human Resources Conference Room (PRWC, GL52)
RSVP to 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at or (607) 274-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

December Work/Life Line: Balancing Work and Life | 0 Comments |
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