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Is your leadership library looking a little barren? If so, then the

Student Leadership Institute

is here to help! Here are some new and exciting sessions that will be happening next week.


Please remember to sign up at least 48 hours in advance. If you can no longer attend a session please click ‘no’ to un-RSVP or email in order to open up your spot to another student. Thank you.



Upcoming Sessions:



Leading Self

Wellness Wednesdays: Hope in the Face of Death

Partake in a discussion about death and its inevitability through reframing helplessness into hope.  Whether you know someone who has thoughts of suicide, or are impacted by the passing of Robin Williams, to having lost a loved one or know someone approaching end of life – this is an meaningful lecture about hope.


Wednesday, October 1

12- 12:50 pm

Taughannock Falls Room

Leading in a Diverse World

ZAP Panel

ZAP Panels are panels created by LGBTQ students on IC’s campus to answer those questions.  A diverse and intersectional group of students will sit down and answer questions provided by those attending the panel.  The conversation can go anywhere and be about anything relating to being LGBTQ.  ZAP Panels are a way to give you a better understanding of something you may never be able to ask about otherwise – it’s a safe space for people to learn without being talked at, and it’s a way to learn from the people you go to class with every day. 


Tuesday, September 30

7-8 pm

Taughannock Falls Room

Leading Others:

Difficult Conversations

This practical workshop will help you begin a difficult conversation and keep it on track. Get some hands-on experience tackling a challenging situation through some useful techniques and strategies. This session will be led by Catherine Weidner ‘85, Chair, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Arts.


Wednesday, Oct 1, 2014

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT

Taughannock Falls Room, 3rd Floor Egbert Hall



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.



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