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Your baby will be able to move around the room using a robot!


Judith Pena-Shaff and her Research Team is preparing to conduct a study looking at the effect on cognitive development of using a robot to move around. Our long-term goal is to assist infants with disabilities in exploring their environment in ways that would otherwise be unavailable to them.

We are looking for infants 7 months to 9 months of age, weighing less than 30 pounds to test our study protocols.  This is a fun activity for infants and caregivers alike and an educational experience for our undergraduate research assistants.

The activity takes place in 012 Williams Hall and takes about15-20 minutes.  During this time, your infant will be trained to use a robot to move around the room and play with toys.

If you are able to help us out (or you know someone who might be interested), please contact Judith Pena-Shaff in the Department of Psychology at 274-7083 or by email at .


Wanted: Children 7 months – 9 months of age for robotic assisted locomotion training | 0 Comments |
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