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On behalf of the Center for Health Promotion and the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, I am very pleased to announce that Jacquii Unger, Public and Community Health '16, has been selected as Campus Correspondent of the Month by Student Health 101 e-magazine for the September issue!

The award was announced in the Campus Correspondent Newsletter, released today.

Jacquii is the student intern in the Center for Health Promotion where she serves as the Campus Correspondent for our Student Health 101 wellness e-magazine. In this role, Jacquii produces the Campus Correspondent page of the magazine each month. She selects and researches a student wellness topic, develops interview questions, and roams the campus interviewing students on video regarding their healthy behaviors. Jacquii also produces an Intro Video in which she discusses that month's topic on camera.


Each month, staff in the national headquarters of Student Health 101 selects one Campus Correspondent for this award, based on the quality and professionalism of their work, out of a pool of hundreds of students across the country. This is a notable achievement, especially given that September was the very first issue that Jacquii produced.

Follow Jacquii's work in the October issue, released on October 1st.

Please join me in congratulating her!

To learn more about our Student Health 101 e-magazine, visit the Center for Health Promotion website.

Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Award from Student Health 101 | 6 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from sschupp on 10/01/14
Congrats Jacquii!
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from junger1 on 10/03/14
Thank you Sarah! I appreciate it!
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from lyporter on 10/02/14
Congrats Jacquii. Very proud of your hard work.
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from junger1 on 10/03/14
Lynn, thank you! Also, thanks for all of the hard work you
put in too.
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from mbsmith on 10/03/14
Congratulation to our MLK Scholar Jacquii Unger. We are very proud of you!
Jacquii Unger '16 Wins National Campus Correspondent of the Month Awardfrom Student Health 101 Comment from junger1 on 10/06/14
Thank you Malinda! That means a lot to me.