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Do you really enjoy being involved with your student org? Love your campus job? Ever thought about working professionally on a college campus? Looking to make an impact on the next generation of college students? Come explore the field of Student Affairs and Higher Education Administration this week with the following sessions as the division of Student Affairs and Campus Life celebrates Careers in Student Affairs month!


Student Affairs Series Events at IC:

Starting your Student Affairs Graduate Program Search- Tips from RD Michaelangelo Misseri

Tuesday, October 7 @ 7pm in Taughannock Falls Room


Want to professionally work to enhance and positively impact college students’ experience? Student affairs may be the field for you! Come out to this session to learn about the student affairs graduate school search process and gain the tools you need to make an informed decision about your next step towards becoming a student affairs professional.

Careers in Student Affairs Professional Panel

Thursday, October 9 @ 12:10pm in Career Services- Muller


Come learn from 4 prominent professionals from ICs campus about their journey into the Student Affairs profession. Each will give participants a brief background on how they got into the field as well as speak to their current roles. Feel free to come with questions and learn about the field from the viewpoint of these three remarkable professionals. The four panelists include Caryanne Keenan, Michele Lenhart, Darnell Thompson and Tiffani Ziemann and will be moderated by Doreen Hettich-Atkins.



Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Senior Assistant to the Senior Associate Vice President and incoming president of the College Student Personal Association of NY state, the professional organization for the field in New York State


Caryanne Keenan, Assistant Director for Career Development, Career Services

Michele Lenhart, Director of Student Leadership and Involvement, Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs

Darnell Thompson, Residence Director of East Tower, Residential Life

Tiffani Ziemann, Area Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator, Residential Life

Along with the two sessions offered by Ithaca College, here are other opportunities presented on a national level through the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and the American College Personal Association

NASPA Events:

2014 CSAM Webinars

During Careers in Student Affairs Month, NASPA will be sponsoring 8 unique educational webinars geared towards different professional levels of student affairs administrators. Click on each of the Webinars below to register today!

ACPA Events:


October is Careers in Student Affairs Month! | 0 Comments |
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