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ICAMA Marketing Week Events!!

Contributed by Sade Jones on 10/05/14 

Marketing Week is a week filled with events and speakers that will showcase the marketing profession as well as enhance our marketing knowledge and skills. Our chapter has put together some incredible speakers and events to make this year's Marketing Week truly stand out!

 Monday 10/6: "How to Market Yourself" with Steve Gonick & Jeanine Cervoni, 6-7:00pm  Textor 103

Tuesday 10/7:  "Business Card Tutorial"  12 -1pm Business 104  

Wednesday 10/8: "Chicken Wing Fling"  6-8pm Business School Atrium  

Thursday 10/9: "Ithaca Beer Co. Speaker"  12-1pm Business 111, "Internship Panel"  7-9pm Park Auditorium   

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