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Make your Mom happy when you go home for Fall Break.... Get the shot, :-) Not the flu! }:-(

Please protect not only yourself, but those you love, live with, work with, bump into, sit next to, pass by, and breathe on. The Hammond Health Center will be holding a flu clinic on Wednesday 10/15/14 from 12pm-3pm for students at the Hammond Health Center. Students may also make an appointment to receive a flu shot by accessing the MyICHealthCenter portal or by calling the Hammond Health Center at 607-274-3177. PLEASE NOTE: •Dress appropriately to receive a shot in the upper arm (ie. wear short sleeves, sleeves that can be easily rolled up, or dress in layers) •Students under the age of 18 must make an appointment.

Flu Clinic for Students on Wednesday 10/15/14 12pm-3pm at Hammond Health Center | 0 Comments |
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