If you’re interested in learning how to live sustainably while having an adventure of a lifetime, and would like to be a part of local and global solutions to environmental, social, and economic problems, then please join Dave Oakes, Director of the Maine-based Center for Ecological Living and Learning (CELL) next Tuesday in CNS 115 to snack on pizza and hear about overseas learning opportunities in Central America, East Africa, Iceland, the Middle East, and the US for college credit. CELL’s unique interdisciplinary study abroad programs will inspire you with a new vision of what is possible and will transform how you look at yourself, your community, and your world. Not only are these programs an incredible educational adventure, they are also an opportunity to join a community of learners committed to making our planet more sustainable. CELL is affiliated with Ithaca College so paperwork is simple!
Though a CELL study abroad program, you will:
- Learn about the principles of sustainability while being of service to others.
- Work with some of the most interesting community sustainability organizations in the world today.
- Immerse yourself in another culture.
- Take a leadership role in sustainability once you return home.
- Integrate classroom knowledge with real-life applications.
- Make a difference and be changed in the process.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carol Hansen at chansen@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-1822. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.