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Submitted on behalf of the staff of Marketing Communications:

Congratulations to Dave Cameron, whose presentation titled "Human at Work, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get Better at My Job" won both Best of Track and Best of Conference this week at the HighEdWeb Association national conference in Portland, OR.

Dave's  presentation focused on goals and tools he's employed to siphon out distractions, keep himself focused and motivated, hold himself accountable, change his habits, and ultimately work more effectively and efficiently. His presentation slides can be viewed at

A selection of tweets offering commentary and feedback on the presentation has been compiled at this Storify: Dave Cameron is 100% Human at HighEdWeb2014.

Dave is the recruitment marketing web content producer in the Office of Marketing Communications. Welcome home, Dave, and great work!

(Photo courtesy of the HighEdWeb Association @HighEdWeb)

Dave Cameron Wins Best of Conference Award at HighEdWeb 2014 | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Dave Cameron Wins Best of Conference Award at HighEdWeb 2014 Comment from ewoods on 10/31/14
Steve, I'm really glad this got posted along with the links to the slides and the Twitter feed. At some point there is also supposed to be a video of his encore presentation of the talk and there is discussion of him giving it here at IC. It's a talk that is relevant to anyone who works in an office and I hope that these versions of the presentation are also made available on campus.

It was great fun to be part of the excitement at the conference and to see him do so well. Amazing work, Dave!