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Scott Erickson, Professor of Marketing in the Business School, recently presented at two conferences in Canada.

From September 28-30, Scott attended the inaugural International Conference on Analytics-Driven Solutions in Ottawa, ON.  At the conference, he gave a plenary presentation on “Data, Information and Intelligence”, presented a paper entitled “Building an Undergraduate Program in Business Analytics” (co-authors William Tastle and Danielle Puleo ’14), and chaired a session on Analytics in Education.

The following week, in Montreal, Scott also attended the International Society of Professional Innovation Managers (ISPIM) Americas Innovation Forum.  There, he presented a paper on “Profit Pools and Intangibles: Assessing Innovation Opportunities Across Industry Sectors”.  Also at the conference was Calvin Smith ’08, Principal Manager, Global Innovation and Marketing, Corporate Office of the CTO at EMC, presenting on “From Morale to Money, Building Innovation Programs that Thrive”.  Scott and Calvin had reconnected at the XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference (Dublin) where both presented and found both had also been at XXIV ISPIM  (Helsinki).


Scott Erickson speaks in Ottawa and Montreal | 0 Comments |
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