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Demystifying Ebola

Contributed by Rita Bunatal on 10/28/14 

 Hello everyone!


I am sure that many of you are aware of the ongoing Ebola epidemic happening in West Africa and even part of the United States. We hear the word ‘Ebola” and we see the scenes of sickness and death that follow that word, but what is ebola? How do you get ebola? How can you help those that have been infected with this virus?

 The African Students Association is having an ebola awareness event titled “De-Mystifying Ebola”  

Dr. Jarra Jagne, from Cornell University, will be helping us give this discussion and we will also be taking donations in the form of actual supplies. I am hoping that you can come and learn more about this and help stop the lies and absurd jokes that surround the seriousness of this virus.    

The Awareness event will be on Wednesday at 7PM in Klingenstein Lounge.

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