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Primitive Pursuits, a program affiliated with Cornell Cooperative Extension, will host an information session on Monday November 17 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in CNS 1-B to describe their rigorous instructor training and certification program, and to field any questions you may have about how to connect with this awesome bunch of explorers and wilderness stewards. 

 The Wilderness Skills Instructor Certification Program covers a wide variety of primitive technology skills, naturalist skills and teaching methods, including a practical hands-on teaching portion. Find out what it takes to join a band of seekers pushing each other in skills and awareness. We will follow tracks of the wild ones, learn from skilled mentors, and learn how to share these skills with the next generation. Call 607-272-2292 ext. 195 or visit us online at or text 'PRIMITIVE' to 228-28 for additional dates.


Please join us on Monday evening!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carol Hansen at or (607) 274-1822. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Primitive Pursuits Wilderness Skills Instructor Recruiting Session next Monday! | 0 Comments |
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