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Nov 19 (WED) 730pm, Textor 101; Grassroots Constructing Peace in Colombia: People's Congress talk and Q&A with Marylen SernaContributed by Patricia Rodriguez on 11/16/14 On the week of November 17-19, Marylén Serna Salinas from Colombia will be visiting Central New York on a speaking/sharing tour. She is a Colombian leader of the Movimiento Campesino de Cajibío (MCC), which organizes with women, youth, victims of crimes of state, and agro-ecological small farmers to establish an alternative development proposal, the Plan for a Dignified Life for Cajibío. Marylen also serves as a spokeswoman for Congreso de los Pueblos (CdP), which a social and political movement in Colombia that resists extractive policies with military backing that lead to displacement, and establishes multiple grassroots legislative processes that focus on the defense of life, protection against confiscation of land and destruction of communities, environmental and economic sustainability, national sovereignty, and peace with social justice.
Sponsored by CNY-Cajibio Sister Communities; Ithaca College Politics Dept. and Latin American Studies minor; Multicultural Resource Center; GIAC; Fellowship of Reconciliation Ithaca; Cultura! Ithaca. visit: Please contact for more information, for disability accommodations, or to rsvp.
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