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Ithaca College voice professor and mezzo-soprano, Dawn Pierce, just returned from singing Charlotte in Massenet’s opera, Werther with Mobile Opera in Alabama.  Tamara Ikenberg of AL.COM says; "As Charlotte, mezzo soprano Pierce, who is singing the role for the first time, nails Charlotte's strength and grace.

She really shines in act III in which she has a great deal of stage time to herself. While she wistfully reads Werther's soul-baring love letters you can really feel her inner conflict.

And when Werther makes a surprise appearance, she goes from practically melting in his arms to summoning her sense of duty and commanding him to leave her forever. It's a complex, wrenching sequence of events, and Pierce plays it all with dazzlingly conflicted dignity."

Ithaca College voice professor and mezzo-soprano, Dawn Pierce, sang Charlotte in Massenet’s opera, Werther with Mobile Opera in Alabama. | 0 Comments |
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