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All 130 seats in the SGA Cortaca Busses have been reserved and there are no more available. Thank you to all who signed up for the seats early! BEAT CORTLAND! Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kyle James at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. SGA Cortaca Busses Are All Full Comment from
dzaichenko on
I believe that the lack of transportation to Cortaca is unfair, and there are not
just 130 fans on campus. I think there should be more transportation opportunities for the students who bought tickets. This is a huge let down. I understand that the transportation to Cortaca is not guaranteed when you buy your ticket, but there should be more of an effort to get as many students to Cortaca as possible. SGA Cortaca Busses Are All Full Comment from
mschaffstall on
Is there any way you can provide more buses? I already paid for a ticket so it would be very unfortunate if i was not able to use it. Please consider adding more buses. I know a lot of people who are now trying to get rid of their tickets because of lack of transportation. If I don't have transportation then I would want to get my money back but no one is willing to buy a ticket for a game that they can't get to. Pretty please?
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:( I don't think the buses were advertised very well either because not everyone
checks their intercoms all the time when there is plenty of work to be done
sometimes .Many others and my self are vouching for another bus because we
don't have a way there, which means we may have to sell our tickets, but I
definitely would like to experience Cortica as a first year student and because my
high school was not really big in playing sports either
Please consider another option for many of us other students who want to attend
Cortica as well :)