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Nancy Reynolds Presents At College Health ConferenceContributed by Estela Santos-Pape on 11/11/14 Nancy Reynolds, Program Director of Health Promotion in the Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness, presented a session at the annual conference of the New York State College Health Association (NYSCHA) on October 23, 2014. The NYSCHA conference is attended by college health professionals across NYS from disciplines including medical, nursing, counseling, and health promotion. In her presentation entitled, “A Systems Approach for Improving the Timeliness and Impact of BASICS Interventions,” Nancy shared about the strategies put in place by the IC Alcohol and Other Drug Team which have shown promising results. The strategies included a revision of the judicial sanction and intervention protocol for alcohol and marijuana violations, and an email referral system for referrals to the BASICS Program, a personalized feedback intervention for substance abuse. The work of the AOD Team has resulted in reduced recidivism for alcohol and marijuana violations and an improvement in BASICS effectiveness. |
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