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The Student Leadership Institute offers sessions in one of four tracks; Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading at IC and Leading in a Diverse World. Below are a few of the sessions being offered next week.

Please remember to sign up on OrgSync at least 48 hours in advance. If you can no longer attend a session please click ‘no’ to un-RSVP or email in order to open up your spot to another student. Thank you!


Leading Self

Wellness Wednesdays: Nutrition, Its Benefits and Challenges

Emotional and physical health is greatly influenced by what we put into our mouths.  This presentation will provide ways to find healthy meals that give you energy, relief, and a positive outlook.  This lecture will also discuss the relationships we have with our thoughts and feelings about food.

This session will be presented by Cathy Saloff-Coste, MS, RD, CDN; Nutrition Consultant.


Wednesday, November 19

12-1 pm

Taughannock Falls Room


Leading in a Diverse World

J-Swipe or Tinder: The Guide to the Perplexed

Let's be honest, dating is hard. People aren't perfect and we can't control anyone else. But we can focus on ourselves and what we want in a relationship. This program focuses on Jewish views on dating and marriage. The program provides an opportunity to enhance your understanding of other people by thinking about how people may approach dating from a religious perspective. Expand your perspectives on others in this diverse world and your opinions about religion and dating.

This discussion will be led by Kayla Reisman, Senior Engagement Associate for Hillel.


Wednesday, November 19

7-8 pm

Fishbowl in IC Square


Leading Others

Pathways Training

Pathways is a mental health crisis prevention and intervention program offered by Counseling and Psychological Services. The goal of Pathways is to reduce the incidence of crises by building knowledge, confidence and skills to help you:

- identify a potential mental health crisis.

- initiate a conversation with someone at risk.

- ask directly about suicidal thoughts.

- make referrals to appropriate resources.

Presented by a staff member in the Office of Counseling and Psychological Services


Thursday, November 20

12:10-1 pm

Ithaca Falls Room


Leading @ IC

Finding your Student Organization Destiny

We volunteer for student organization positions because the responsibilities seem cool or due to our time; however, the positions may not be the right fit. Come learn what position and in which student organization is the right fit for you. We will identify your strengths and interests to determine your student organization path.

This session will be presented by Theresa Radley, Assistant Director of Student Involvement in OSEMA.


Tuesday, November 18

12:10-1 pm

Ithaca Falls Room


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