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The program in Jewish Studies is pleased to offer four courses this Spring semester!

Hebrew Scriptures JWST/RLST 10300   MW 4:00-5:15pm (Cynthia Hogan)

Judaism JWST/RLST 20300    TR 4:00-5:15 pm (Cynthia Hogan)

From Auschwitz to Argentina ENGL/JWST 26400 MWF 3-3:50 pm (Annette Levine)

Seminar in Comparative and International Studies: Political Implications of the Holocaust POLT 40103  W 4-6:30  (Donald Beachler)


Courses are also being offered in Hebrew through the Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures: 

Hebrew 102 MWF 2-2:50    (Mirit Hadar)

Hebrew 202: 11-11:50       (Mirit Hadar)


Please contact Annette Levine with questions about the Jewish Studies minor:

Questions about the individual courses should be directed to the instructors.

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