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Taking any three of the four IICC mini-courses will count for the Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation or World of Systems theme, and as a Humanities or Social Science perspective, regardless of when you take them over your four-year career. For example, you could take one mini-course each semester for the next three semesters.

Also, the mini-courses are open to all students, whether taken to satisfy an ICC requirement or not.

Here are course features and the spring schedule:

* short courses on systems thinking, synthesizing expertise, creativity, and character

* active hands-on learning; no lectures

* lots of fun

* the courses will help you make connections among what you are studying in different courses inside and outside your majors

* this can make learning more lasting and more useful in meeting complex real-world challenges

* courses are one credit and are graded pass/fail


ICIC 10000-01 Integration: Connecting the Disciplines

Feb. 6, 6 - 9PM, Feb. 7, 10AM - 4PM, Feb. 8, 1 - 5PM

Jake Brenner & Ali Erkan

CRN 43761


ICIC 10000-02 Integration: Connecting the Disciplines

March 20, 6 - 9PM, March 21, 10AM - 4PM, March 22, 1 - 5PM

Jason Hamilton & Luke Keller

CRN 43762


ICIC 12000-01 Insight: Combining Expertise

Topic The Great Escape

Tuesday/Thursday 4-5:15, Jan. 20 – Feb. 19

Gordon Rowland & Nancy Menning

CRN 43763

Topic description: It’s 2035. The polar ice caps and the glaciers have melted, and the seas have risen and destroyed the great coastal cities. Storms that are many times greater in intensity and frequency than ever before are ravaging the Earth’s surface. Food and energy sources are nearly depleted. Efforts to halt global climate change have been too little too late, and it’s worse than even the most dire predictions. Much, much worse. What can be done to save our species? It’s up to you.


ICIC 14000-01 Character: Developing Habits for Good

Monday 6:50-9:30PM, Jan. 26 – Feb. 23

Jason Hamilton & Mary Ann Erickson

CRN 43764




To register, select (IC)2 Integrated Curriculum, the first subject area listed in HomerConnect when you do a search for Spring 2015.

1-credit IICC mini-courses for Spring 2015 theme and perspective clarifications | 0 Comments |
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