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 Are you interested in participating in interfaith dialogue, learning more about other faiths, and exploring your own beliefs?  Join the brand new (woo!!) Interfaith Learning Community on the 2nd floor of Terrace 5 in the 2015-2016 school year.

 Join the brand new Interfaith Learning Community on the 2nd floor of Terrace 5 in the 2015-2016 school year!

The goals for this community include opening interfaith dialogue and increasing residents' understanding and respect of their own faiths and others' faiths. This community will participate in community service opportunities, celebrations of various religious holidays, and a tour of different places of worship in the city of Ithaca, among many other exciting programs!

Students or members of the campus community who are interested in being involved in this community should contact Marci Rose at


Be a Pioneer! Join the Interfaith Learning Community! | 0 Comments |
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