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SELECTED TOPICS: HLTH 39903 – 01-CRN- 43318 –

WEDNESDAY 4:00-6:40 PM

For More information, contact Dr. Phoebe Constantinou:

Course Description

This course moves beyond major pedagogical strategies of a classroom setting to look at the subtleties and nuances that give way to transformational teaching; explores theoretical and practical approaches associated with inspiring teaching practices. Inspiring teaching goes beyond the traditional "know, tell and control" teaching model, it steps away from the instructor-centered approach to one that is learner-centered and focuses on inquiry on the development of higher-order thinking and self-motivating learners.  Topics addressed include, but are not limited to, inspiring teaching and learning perspectives around the world, and exploring ways

to connect with English language learners and disengaged students.


Future Teachers: New course INSPIRING TEACHING AND LEARNING | 0 Comments |
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