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Seats are still available for the spring 2015 semester in a number of newly designated  ICC courses.

ICC Identities Theme:
ARTH28300  American Visual Culture: 1690-1960 (CA)
ENGL21900 Shakespeare (HM)
THEA19601 The Others: Class, Race, and Gender in Drama and Performance (CA, HM)

ICC Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation Theme:
ENGL21900 Shakespeare (HM)

ICC Power and Justice Theme:
THEA19601 The Others: Class, Race, and Gender in Drama and Performance (CA, HM)

ICC Capstone:
MGMT42100 Strategic Management

To register or obtain full course information, go to HomerConnect.

In addition to the courses listed above that have multiple open seats, single seats continue to open up periodically in other ICC designated courses. Please check the schedule to see if there is an opening in a course of interest any time between now and the end of spring semester add/drop in late January.

Seats Still Available in Newly Designated ICC Spring 2015 Courses | 0 Comments |
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