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Paul Hansom, Assistant Professor of English, has published three works of fiction, all of which will be available to readers in December.


The first, “Instrumentality,” is a neo-modernist meditation on the vectors of alienation in Los Angeles, a narrative collision between the Frankfurt School and Topanga Canyon. This will appear in Former People: A Journal of Bangs and Whimpers.

His second story, “The Rescue Ghost,” focuses on the haunting potential of the good deed done, and how these actions often result in the unsettling manifestation of moral dread. This compelling story can be found in Gravel Literary Journal.

The third, “Death Between Two Planes” will be appearing in Storyscape Journal. This work initially began as a stark examination of personal loss, but quickly jumped the fence to explore the ground that lies between the tragic and the comic.

Paul Hansom joined the English Department at Ithaca College in August of 2005 and teaches courses in drama, fiction, and sci-fi, as well as a freshman English seminar entitled "'Oh Cruel World!' The Literary Character in Crisis."  He has both a PhD and an MFA from the University of Southern California, and his creative work has appeared in venues like New Letters, Chicago Quarterly, Blue Collar Review, the Southern California Anthology, and many others. He’s been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, the Sundance Arts-Writing Fellowship, and has won the PEN/West John Rechy Fellowship.       

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