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The Center for Academic Advancement announces that the following offices will have limited drop-in availability during Thanksgiving Break:

Academic Advising Center:

The Academic Advising Center will have normal hours from Monday, November 24th through Wednesday, November 26th. However, drop-in hours will only be available on Monday and Tuesday. To schedule an appointment, please call 607-274-1001, or email

Office of State Grants:

The Office of State Grants will have normal hours Monday, November 24th through Wednesday, November 26th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Appointments are encouraged.  To schedule an appointment, please call 607-274-1267. 

Student Accessibility Services:

Student Accessibility Services will be closed to student traffic on Monday, November 24th due to a staff retreat. However, scheduled appointments will be available on both Tuesday, November 25th and Wednesday, November 26th.  To schedule an appointment, please call 607-274-1005, or email 

Tutoring Services:

Tutoring Services will not be hosting PLuGs, tutoring sessions, or drop-in hours from Monday, November 24th through Wednesday, November 26th. For more information, please call 607-274-3381, or email

All offices will resume normal hours on Monday, December 1st. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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