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Spanish Meet & Greet

Contributed by Maria DiFrancesco on 11/30/14 

Are you a current Spanish major or minor? Are you interested in the possibility of completing a major or minor in Spanish? Would you like some information on our classes, programs, extra-curricular activities and related events? Do you just want to de-stress before finals by listening to some merengue and salsa? Then come to the Spanish Meet & Greet! This will be a great opportunity to meet fellow students and mingle with faculty. Light refreshments will be served!

When: Thursday, December 4th from 12 to 1pm

Where: Job 209 (LCEC)

Questions:  Contact Maria DiFrancesco at



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Maria DiFrancesco at or (607) 274-3547. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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