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Users of the latest Mac operating system, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, may experience Wi-Fi connectivity issues. As per our 10/16 Intercom story, ITS is advising against upgrading to Yosemite at this time.

The Wi-Fi issue is NOT related to the Ithaca College network. Thousands of Yosemite users worldwide are reporting Wi-Fi issues on both their home and work wireless networks. A recent operating system update by Apple reportedly fixed the Wi-Fi issues, but most users who have installed the update say that there has been little to no improvement.

This Macworld article is one of numerous Internet articles discussing the problem.

ITS continues to test Yosemite in preparation for future delivery on tech renewal computers.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Macintosh Yosemite and Wi-Fi Issues | 0 Comments |
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