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Please adjust your calendars, everyone: We are back in our regularly scheduled meeting room on the ground floor of Peggy Williams Center, Room GL52!

When: Every Tuesday

Times: 11:15am - 12:00pm
12:15pm - 1:00pm


With Monthly Pass, meetings run on an on-going basis and are open to the entire Ithaca College community. You can join anytime and it is never too late. You are also welcome to sit in on a meeting to see what it is like—there is no obligation to join. Please refer to the Intercom announcement dated 10/24/14 for more information.

Have you heard? Weight Watchers now seamlessly syncs with popular activity monitors and apps, such as Fitbit and UP by Jawbone! Linking your device to your online eTools account will automatically convert your activity to PointsPlus values. Don’t have an activity monitor? No problem, because Weight Watchers has ActiveLink 2.0*, a waterproof, multi-wearable, wirelessly synching activity and sleep monitor! It’s really cool, and it will motivate you to get moving and encourage you to get a good night’s sleep.

With the holidays right around the corner, now is a great time to join us. You will have support as you navigate the winter holiday season and get a jump-start on the people who will be flocking to Weight Watchers in January!

So, whaddaya say—see you soon?

* A $5/month subscription is required . . . and it is worth. Every. Penny.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Christine Haase at or (607) 274-1378. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Weight Watchers At Work: We are back “home” in Peggy Williams Center | 0 Comments |
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