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Ask-A-Counselor is an online confidential service that offers professional advice and answers to your non-emergency behavioral health requests.

The counselors though your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are Mental Health Professionals who provide confidential counseling in-person or over the phone for a variety of stressful issues such as marital, family, substance abuse, depression, stress, grief, health, and more.  Each counselor carefully listens to your needs and either offers short-term counseling focused on coping strategies or makes an appropriate referral to long-term counseling or specialized care.

The Ask-A-Counselor feature simply enhances your connection with eni and expands access to those who have a behavioral health question that does not require a full counseling session.

For more information click here, or log into your account and click on the Ask-A-Counselor option to the left. You can also call eni at 800.327.2255. 

Ask-A-Counselor for Advice With Behavioral Health Requests! | 0 Comments |
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