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Patricia Zimmermann, professor of Screen Studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, presented a paper entitled “Taking Things Apart: Convening Micropublics in New Media Arts,” at the 20th Annual International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

ISEA is an international symposium for new media scholars, artists, designers, programmers, coders, and innovators.

Co-presented with Dale Hudson of New York University Abu Dhabi, the paper explored new media practices that reject ideas about representation and images and instead engage questions of interface and construction of new affordances and nodes.

The paper was an excerpt from Hudson and Zimmermann’s forthcoming book, Thinking through the Digital: Transnational Environments and Locative Places, to be published in April 2015.

Patricia Zimmermann presents at the International Symposium on Electronic Arts in Dubai, United Arab Emirates | 0 Comments |
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