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On Nov. 19, 2014, the Anthropology Department and Kuikapiko (the anthropology student club) hosted a talk by Professors Rossen and Hansen titled "Engaged Anthropology and Revitalization in the Haudenosaunee Homeland."

Through the anthropological lenses of  indigenous archaeology, cultural anthropology and public-activist anthropology, they presented their long term engagement with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy located in present day Central New York. Through advocacy, activism, collaborative field classes and service learning they have worked on a number of projects from the Cayuga return to their ancestral homeland to re-envisioning the scholarly interpretations of Haudenosaunee culture.  They discussed the profound personal and professional journeys this work has inspired.

Drs.  Hansen and Rossen are currently on a faculty exchange program with the University of Hawaii, Hilo, where they are teaching, conducting research on their Hawaiian fields of study and consulting on a variety of community projects including the restoration of traditional Native Hawaiian farming systems. 

Brooke Hansen and Jack Rossen present their research at University of Hawaii, Hilo | 0 Comments |
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