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The Ithaca College Mind, Body, Me (MBM) wellness program focuses on you: the employee, and works to help you identify and move towards your personal health and wellness goals. Our wellness program is open for all benefits-eligible faculty and staff to join and includes a variety of wellness features, such as FREE Health Screenings and Assessments!

When beginning to take charge of your own health, there are certain numbers that are important to know. By knowing your numbers, you'll be on the road to a healthier life. Mind, Body, Me ensures that you know these numbers through annual health screenings and assessments, which include: 

  • Biometric Screening: A health professional administers this screening and will check your blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. 
  • Health Risk Assessment (HRA): This assessment generates a report that identifies key areas of health and wellness concerns and gives recommendations designed to help you achieve optimal health. After completion, you meet with a health coach to review the HRA and help design a wellness plan that is aligned with your goals.    
  • Fitness Assessment: Either the Fitness Center or the Wellness Clinic can administer the Fitness Assessment. This assessment consists of a health history questionaire, resting heart rate, blood pressure, body measurements (including BMI), brisk walk on the treadmill, sit & reach, and strength testing.  

Each assessment is given on an annual basis to help you determine and set annual goals. These assessments are a required feature of the Mind, Body, Me program.

If you are interested in joining Mind, Body, Me and individualizing a wellness plan just for you, please contact You can also visit our website,, read our Questions and Answers, and check us out on Facebook, for more information.

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