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The Fall 2014 Ithaca College photo workshop class is proud to present Plan Z, an exhibition of photographic works, set to open at 133 The Commons, on December 12th, from 5:30-8:00PM.

Location: 133 The Commons  /  Ithaca, NY

Opening Reception: December 12, 2014, 5:30 – 8:00 PM

Exhibition Hours: December 13 and 14, 11:00 – 5:00 PM 

This exhibition brings together the works of 17 artists who navigate personal, cultural, and political narratives through a variety of photographic techniques, formats, and media.

Featured artists: Jacob Beil, Jeff Blodgett, Cecily Brown, Gabrielle Fister, Carmen Ladipo, Alexis Lanza, Hugo Mantellato, Ana Morone, Tyler Pearson, Ken Robertson, Andrew Ronald, Madeline Schwartz, Emily Smith, Daniel States, Haley Stearns, Haley Thorpe and Elizabeth Woollard.

The exhibition and opening reception are free and open to the public.   

Image: Jacob Beil, Man Walks with Purple, from the series, Mercury Vapor.  Backlit digital print on polyester film, 54”x31”.

Plan Z: Thesis Photography Exhibition. Opening Reception: Friday, December 12th 5:30-8PM | 0 Comments |
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