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At the December meeting of the Society for Human Resource Management of Tompkins County, Lis presented on " Framing the Leadership Role of Human Resource Managers". The interactive session focused on leadership styles that align with individual strengths and linked these orientations to employee responses to organizational change.  

Using the Four Framework Model developed by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, participants completed a reflective exercise that identified leadership orientations.  The Frames approach provided a practical roadmap for understanding organizations in more complete and nuanced ways.  Lis also discussed organizational change and applied the Frames approach to John Kotter's model for Leading and Managing Change in organizations.  Participants developed a heightened understanding of the organizational contexts within which they work in order to diagnose more completely, plan more comprehensively, and better support sustainable organizational engagement and change.

Lis Chabot, College Librarian, Presents on Leadership Orientations and Sustainable Engagement | 0 Comments |
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