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Great news, we have had a wonderfully generous response! Almost all the tags are gone. Please deliver all gifts to the Peggy Ryan Williams Center by Wednesday at noon.

The unwrapped gifts, with tags attached, need to be returned to the Office of Human Resources by December 17th.  If you didn't get a tag and still want to give, then just bring a household items to give to a family in need. This could consist of laundry soap, shampoo, toothpaste, tissues, etc.

We still have some space in the bins with the red poster at various locations around campus that are there for collecting non-perishable food items to be distributed to Ithaca College families. Please remember to check expiration dates on food.

If you have questions, please contact me at ext. 4-1506 or

Thank you for giving!


The Caring and Sharing Holiday Drive: Three More Days | 0 Comments |
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