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Kudos to Elizabeth Bergman, associate professor of aging studies, on her election as member-at-large of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). AGHE  is a national organization whose two-fold mission is to advance gerontology and geriatrics education in higher education, and to provide leadership and support of gerontology and geriatrics education administrators, faculty and students in educational institutions. Professor Bergman’s two-year term will begin in March 2015.


AGHE’s five members-at-large serve as voting members of the executive committee and as chairpersons of one or more of the association’s committees. Additionally, they serve as members of one or more of the committees of finance, long-range planning, annual meeting, and site selection. AGHE has designated Ithaca College’s aging studies major as a program of merit, a recognition granted to only a handful of programs nationwide.


Elizabeth Bergman of Aging Studies Elected to National AGHE Post | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Elizabeth Bergman of Aging Studies Elected to National AGHE Post Comment from alevine on 12/17/14
Congrats Elizabeth!
Elizabeth Bergman of Aging Studies Elected to National AGHE Post Comment from alippincott on 12/17/14
Elizabeth Bergman of Aging Studies Elected to National AGHE Post Comment from beissner on 12/18/14
Congratulations, Elizabeth, and thank you for your willingness to serve in this
important organization. No doubt your work will enhance gerontological
education across the country.