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Patricia Zimmermann, Professor of Screen Studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, has been appointed to the jury for the 2014 International Documentary Association Awards in Los Angeles.

Zimmermann served on the jury for Short Form Series, a new category for web-based, short, interactive documentaries produced by organizations such as the National Film Board of Canada, the New York Times, National Public Radio, Vice News, ESPN, PBS,HBO, Sundance Institute, and other international independent producers advancing multimedia journalism and new forms of documentary that engage new technologies.

For the last three decades, the International Documentary Association (IDA) expands our understanding of shared human experience, fostering an informed, compassionate, and connected world. It is dedicated to building and serving the needs of a thriving documentary culture. Through its programs, IDA provides resources, creates community, and defends rights and freedoms for documentary artists, activists, and journalists.

From free speech to fair use to government funding for the arts, the IDA is at the forefront of major issues confronting documentary artists, activists and journalists around the globe.

Through its prestigious IDA Documentary Awards, as well as its numerous screening series, the organization honors and promotes the world's best documentary filmmaking.

For links to the projects of the  finalists and winners in the Short Form Category, see​

Patricia Zimmermann appointed to 2014 International Documentary Association Awards Jury | 0 Comments |
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