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 ¿Hablas español?

 ¿Te gusta trabajar con niños?

 ¡Únete a SALTAR (Spanish Language through Arts and Recreation)!

This one-credit Service Learning experience devoted to teaching Spanish to children within the Ithaca community is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the Ithaca public school system and use your Spanish in meaningful and fun ways. This fall semester we are partnering with art, music, and gym teachers to teach Spanish through those mediums! 

The class, Spanish 301, meets weekly and has a required practicum session. 



*Registration requires instructor permission, so please request it via the on-line override system* 

Students interested in SALTAR, but have time conflicts, should contact Professor Levine about considering alternative arrangements as there is some flexibility in scheduling.

Any questions or concerns about registering should be directed to

Dr. Annette Levine:

See our webpage:


*The course is one-credit and may be repeated for a total of three credits.

Teach Spanish to Children: Spanish Language through Arts and Recreation ¡SALTAR! | 0 Comments |
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