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Looking to earn a certificate in the Leading in a Diverse World track of the SLI program?

Come celebrate with our MLK Campus-Wide Celebration Event on Monday, January 19, 2015.

'Whose dream is it anyway?' is the theme for this year's program.

Attend the following to receive a certificate:

- Free community breakfast with a morning address by Professor Derek Adams

- Grab 'n’ Go Film "All that Remains" presented by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and SGA President Crystal Kayiza, '15

- 2 of 7 Educational Workshops in the morning and afternoon that feature presentations from both professors and students.

- Presentation by the first-year MLK Scholars relating to their experiences on a Civil Rights Tour during Fall Break 2014 followed by the keynote speech by Tedx Talk-famous Ash Beckham

Make sure to sign up by Saturday, January 17 before to receive SLI Credit for these events!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Samantha Stafford at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Earn a Student Leadership Institute certificate on MLK Day! | 0 Comments |
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