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Come see IC faculty and students present during MLK Day through the Educational sessions scheduled at 10am and 2pm. The listing of topics are below. For details on each session, see the MLK Day Celebration Website.

Students, sign up for events ahead of time on OrgSync and receive credit in the Student Leadership Institute.

Block 1: 10:00am - 11:45am

Beyond Dreaming: And What If Black Lives Don't Matter?

Clark Lounge

Presented by: Dr. Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, Predoctoral Diversity Fellow in the Department of Writing     

From Movement to Monuments: How Design Creates Structures of Change

Taughannock Falls Room

Presented by: Aaron Lipford, 2015, Biochemistry

Meet Me at Equality: The People's March on Washington 

Klingenstein Lounge

Presented by: James Rada, Professor of Journalism            


Block 2 EDU Session: 2:00pm - 3:30pm 

Stop the New Jim Crow: Why Challenging Mass Incarceration is Crucial to Pursuing MLK's Dream

Klingenstein Lounge

Presented by: Dr. Paula Ioanide, Professor in the Center for Race, Culture, and Ethnicity

Exploring Privilege and Oppression

Taughannock Falls Room

Presented by the Diversity Peer Educators                           

Creating Inclusivity at Events on IC Campus

Ithaca Falls Room

Presented by The Student Organization Specialist Team: Lia Munoz, Alexander Cammy, Annie Yuen, and Emily Quinn                  

Where do we start? Racial profiling and change(d) relations on campus and in the community

Clark Lounge

Moderated by Dr. Jonathan Ablard, Associate Professor, History and Dr. Patricia Rodriguez, Assoc Prof, Politics

Celebrate MLK Day with workshop sessions led by faculty and students! | 0 Comments |
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