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 We are currently accepting teams for our 3rd Block of Intramural Sports. We are offering 5v5 Basketball, 6v6 Volleyball, Kickball, and Pickleball Singles.

 As the Spring semester kicks off, get together with your friends to participate in some friendly competition. Regardless of your skill level, our Intramural program has the sports for you!

We are starting the year off with two of our classic sports in 5v5 Basketball and 6v6 Volleyball. We are also bringing back Kickball after a 2 year absence and after the success of Pickleball last semester, are now offering that in a Singles league.

We have leagues for both the competitive and skilled players as well as though just looking to have fun. Registration will be open through this Friday the 23rd and play will begin late next week. Sign ups will be done using, which is free to all active Ithaca College students. So grab some of your friends and neighbors and sign up today!

Block III Intramural Registrations are Open | 0 Comments |
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