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 Circulate the love this February 6th from 9 to 5 pm in the Fitness Center .  Please call  1-800-RED-CROSS or go to REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG  to sign up for an appointment at Ithaca College. You can also stop by our table in CAMPUS CENTER, Monday thru Thursday from 9 to 3pm and choose a time slot to donate blood and help save a life. We will be taking  Double Red Donations too, 3 appoinmtent on the hour and 2 appointmets on the half hour.

I am also looking for help to staff the registration table from  1 to 5 pm if you have an hour to spare please email me tTank you for you all your help with the blood drive.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cynthia Smith at or (607) 227-3713. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Blood Drive February 6th from 9 to 5 in the Fitness Center | 0 Comments |
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