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 We hope that everyone had a wonderful Winter Break and has started their semester well! In case you weren't aware, some IC students took a 10-day trip to Israel through Taglit-Birthright and had an amazing experience!

 On February 3rd @ 12PM in Friends 205, SAFI will be hosting the "Share & Find Your Israel Experience" event. This is an opportunity for anyone to hear about many past-Birthright experiences, find out information about how you could join Birthright for the Spring, and also talk about anything Israel-related if you've traveled to Israel with family, friends, or even on your own.

Spread the word and make sure you don't miss this excellent event - snacks and refreshments will be provided!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Tal Aizen at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Share & Find Your Israel Experience! | 0 Comments |
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