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For the past 16 years, the Ithaca College Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program has provided free tax service, including preparation and advice to members of the Ithaca College community. We are pleased to announce that we will again be offering this service.

The Ithaca College VITA team is comprised of senior accounting majors who have completed a senior-level federal income tax course.  Each student volunteer has passed the required VITA exam at an advanced level, and is certified by the IRS to prepare taxes. The team is supervised by an accounting faculty member who is also the VITA Site Coordinator, assisted by two MBA Accounting students.

The main objective of the IC VITA team is provide each taxpayer with the highest quality tax return, and at the same time provide students with valuable "real world" experience.  The service is available by appointment only.  Appointment times are:

Monday 4 pm to 8 pm

Tuesday 12 noon to 2 pm

Thursday 12 noon to 3 pm.

Hours may be expanded later in the semester if demand is high.

We are required by our IRS Regional Director to follow newly established gross income limitations for the 2014 tax season.  These are:

Single filer - $35,000

Married filing jointly, or Head of Household - $53,000

Hopefully, these new income guidelines will permit us to continue to provide tax services to many of our loyal tax clients.  However, some former tax clients will not longer meet established gross income guidelines.  We regret this inconvenience and hope you acquire alternative tax preparation assistance early, so as to file a timely return.

If you are confident in your abilities to file your own returns, you may also access an online free file program at this link:  This program will walk you, step by step, through the filing process.  Note:  Filing on this site is limited to individuals with income under $60,000.

The on-campus VITA program officially commences on Monday, February 2, 2015, and concludes April 10, 2015.  Our office is located in Room 208, 2nd floor of the School of Business.  For appointments, contact VITA at 274-3661 or

Free Tax Preparation for the IC community | 0 Comments |
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