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For those of you who participated in a HealthCare or Dependent Care FSA for 2014 this is a reminder that FSA dollars are "use-it-or-lose-it" funds. Account balances are not carried over from year to year. If you had any unused funds at the end of the 2014 plan year, those funds will be forfeited. That's an IRS requirement.

You have until March 31, 2015 to submit your 2014 FSA claims. Please note, this is not a postmarked date it is truly a received date. Claims received on April 1, 2014 or later will be denied and will not be processed. 

  • You can view your current FSA account balances and activity on Aetna Navigator by visiting or calling Aetna directly at 877-392-3862.
  • Claim forms can be downloaded from http://www.ithaca.e





Flexible Spending Account Reminder | 1 Comments |
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Flexible Spending Account Reminder Comment from roses on 02/02/15
Actually, "use it or lose it" is no longer the exact IRS requirement. A revised IRS policy was passed in 2013 (effective for 2014) to allow participants to carry forward up to $500 of their unused FSA to the next calendar year.