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"What is marijuana legalization to you? Is it largely a health issue, a criminal matter, or a question of personal choice?"

In "Up in Smoke", in SH101:

  • Check out the debate between two experts regarding the legalization movement
  • Get answers about issues concerning marijuana 
  • Watch students videos ("gateway paradox", "money & lockup", "best plant practice")

Here's the link:


Student Health 101 is a free e-magazine that covers a large range of topics including sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, alcohol use and more!

Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion in the Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness at Ithaca College. Questions or comments may be directed to Nancy Reynolds, Program Director.

Check out the article, "Up in Smoke: Marijuana laws and why they matter" in this month's issue of Student Health 101 | 0 Comments |
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