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Do you want to become a resume/cover letter/job search expert, while helping your peers? Career Services is looking for motivated students who like to help others, to serve as Peer Career Advisors (PCAs) for the 2015-2016 academic year. It's only 4 hours a week, plus a weekly meeting!

This volunteer opportunity is a chance to gain a competitive edge on your future career endeavors while helping your peers with:

  • Resume and cover letter development
  • Job and internship search basics
  • Professional etiquette
  • Graduate school search and application process
  • Using our online resources 

This is an unpaid volunteer position, however, we 'pay' in swag (ex. hoodies, padfolios) and food! There are also opportunities and incentives to earn prizes and gift cards, as well as participate in fun team building activities throughout the year. Additionally, PCAs are matched up with a professional career counselor within the office for their own career guidance and mentoring as needed.

If you do not know a lot about career topics, that’s ok! We provide comprehensive training and welcome students from all majorsMandatory training for the 2015-2016 PCAs will take place August 17-21, 2015. Check out the pictures from last year's training:

PCA applications are due by Friday, March 6, 2015 and can be found at Interviews will take place after spring break.

To learn more about the PCA and other positions available in Career Services, check out the following event: We’re Hiring!: Career Services Seeking Students for 2015-16 student panel, where you’ll hear from current volunteers, interns, and employees in Career Services. This panel will take place on Feb. 18 at 5:00 p.m. in Career Services.


Questions? Please contact Caryanne Keenan, Assistant Director for Career Development, at or (607) 274-3365.  

Connect with Career Services: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedInInstagram & YouTube.

We're Hiring Career Services Student Panel on the IC Events Calendar.


Best Volunteer Position Ever! Get paid in food and swag! | 0 Comments |
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